Pallo Steam Wand Brush "Steamy Wanda"
Fits 7.5 mm Internal Diameter Steam Wands.
Love Handles?
If you've ever used a twisted wire brush to clean the insides of your steam wands, then you know that it can sometimes be a bit troublesome to get a good grip for proper leverage. Aside from being uncomfortable, that twisty little finger loop doesn't really work that well.
Introducing Steamy Wanda, a brand new offering from Pallo, the makers of Coffeetool. With it's comfortable ergonomic "love handle" you'll be amazed at how much easier and more comfortable it is to use. And, unlike other twisted wire brushes, The sharp CUT end of the wire is molded into the handle leaving the non-scratching looped end exposed. Perfect for cleaning your portafilter spouts, site gauges and other small areas. Comes in two sizes to fit most commercial steam wands.